توفر فرص عمل لدى شركة الدادا للأجهزة الكهربائية

توفر فرص عمل لدى شركة الدادا للأجهزة الكهربائية

Dada Group is currently seeking to hire a creative and enthusiastic Digital Marketing and Communication Supervisor to join the team. Responsibilities:· Execute social media strategy. · Create digital marketing campaigns through all areas of the project life cycle. · Implement marketing campaigns that fit the clients’ needs. · Provide analytical reporting of campaigns to stakeholders.Maintain an up to date understanding of social media trends. • Develop and execute creative campaigns for all channels. · Work with copywriters and designers to ensure content is informative and appealing.Qualifications: · Bachelor’s Degree in marketing, advertising, digital marketing, or communications. • 4-6 years of experience in online marketing, Social Media.· Excellent bilingual written and verbal communication and presentation skills. · Certified Google Analytics Certification. · Certified Google Digital Marketing. · Facebook Certified Professional

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يمكن الاطلاع على المزيد من الوظائف خارج الأردن من خلال الضغط هنا

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