فرص عمل لدى بنك الاتحاد


The role will involve building and maintaining database solutions that are used for daily reporting and drive business decision making while dealing efficiently with the massive scale of data available through Data Warehouse.

Identifying requirements across business units and identifying substandard systems processes by evaluating real-time data, creating a detailed business analysis, outlining problems, opportunities and solutions for a business needs.

Ensures operational systems adherence to all IT QA standards, policies and procedures.

Facilitate data gathering and test method execution.

Responsible for development, support, and maintenance of software systems of the bank. Build and designs the systems to match the requirements of a business/system analyst.

رابط التقديم


للإنضمام إلى قناتنا عبر التليجرام المخصصة للوظائف – أضغط هنا

للإنضمام إلى مجموعة الواتساب المعتمدة والخاصة بالوظائف الشاغرة – أضغط هنا

للإنضمام إلى صفحتنا عبر الفيسبوك الرؤية الملكية للتوظيف – أضغط هنا

للإنضمام إلى صفحتنا عبر تويتر – أضغط

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