اعلان وظائف شاغرة إدارية وهندسية

IT Manager Job brief
We are looking for an IT Manager to be responsible and accountable for the smooth running of our computer systems within the limits of requirements, specifications, costs and timelines. You will supervise the implementation and maintenance of our company’s computing needs.
The successful candidate will have improved skills, a proven professional experience and a detailed knowledge of industry’s best practice processes.
Required Skills and Qualifications:
· Proven working experience as an IT Manager or relevant experience
· Excellent knowledge of technical management, information analysis and of computer hardware/software systems
· Expertise in data centre management and data governance
· Hands-on experience with computer networks, network administration and network installation
· Ability to manage personnel
· BS in Computer Science, MIS or similar field
Interested please send your resume to ([email protected]) and write IT Manager in the email subject.

Senior IT Engineer Job Brief
IT engineers are responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of computer systems. They work with a wide range of hardware and software to build and maintain networks, servers, databases and other digital infrastructure.
The job of an IT engineer is challenging but rewarding. They must have a deep understanding of both technology and business processes in order to effectively solve problems and implement solutions.

Required Skills and Qualifications
Bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or related field
10+ years professional experience in IT engineering
Strong working knowledge of multiple programming languages
Experience leading and managing teams of engineers
Proven ability to solve complex technical problems
Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills
Interested please send your resume to ([email protected]) and write Senior IT Engineer in the email subject.

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