وظائف شاغره بتخصصات مختلفه لدى شركة أمنية للاتصالات

وظائف شاغره بتخصصات مختلفه لدى شركة أمنية للاتصالات

Job Brief: Responsible for acquiring new prepaid mobile subscribers by creating new offers that fit with the consumers’ needs and wants, deciding the right communication approach to reach the subscribers and design the right retention campaigns to retain the new subscribers and increase their lifetime.

Key Responsibilities: Create new offers and promotions that fits the consumer needs.Monitor and evaluate the performance of the product vs

. the business case and come up with corrective actions.Provide reports and detailed analysis for the handled segments and come up with a recommendation plan based on the analysis

.Ensure a smooth and simple customer journey for the handled segments, analyze the gaps, and come up with action plans

.Build the retention plan for the newly acquired subscribers

.Introduce new activities and initiatives that will increase the overall revenues

.Visit the field for better understanding of the market and sales. Requirements

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, Industrial Engineering, or any other related field.

Level of Experience: Intermediate Experience in a related fieldTechnical Skills & Knowledge: Excellent knowledge of consumer behavior

Excellent knowledge product analysisGood knowledge of customer experience

Good knowledge of customer journeyGood knowledge of strategic marketing

Excellent command of computer skills (Microsoft Office)Excellent command of presentation skills and data visualization

Excellent command of communication skills with cross-functional teams

Certifications & Licensure: Data Analysis CertificationTools & Systems: Essential:BI toolsDesirable:AlteryxPower BI



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