مطلوب مهندسين كافة التخصصات للعمل لدى شركة تجهيزات مختبرات ولوزام علمية في الأردن

مطلوب مهندسين كافة التخصصات للعمل لدى شركة تجهيزات مختبرات ولوزام علمية في الأردن كما هو موضح في الإعلان التالي:

Taawon for Laboratory & Scientific Supplies Is looking for the following Positions

Sales Engineer No of vacant (2) Ref SA/1/2020

Qualifications & Experiences

– BSC in Engineering field (Electrical, Telecommunications, Medical, Mechanical and Mechatronics).

– Professional working experience between 1- 3 years.

– Ability to work under pressure.

– Advanced IT skills, specifically Excel modeling and PowerPoint presentation.

Experienced with CRM software is a plus.

– Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

– Strong organizational skills.

– Attention to detail.

– Good communications skills.

– Ability to multi-task and adapt to a changing environment.

– Excellent written and verbal communication skills.Experiences in life science and IVF preferred.

-Valid driving licensee is must.

Service Engineer No of vacant (2) Ref. SE/3/2017

Qualifications & Experiences

– BSC in Engineering field (Electrical, Telecommunications, Medical, mechanical and Mechatronics).
– Professional working experience between 1-  3  years.

– Strong analytical and problem-solving skills-Ability to multi-task and adapt to a changing environment.

– Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

– Strong organizational skills.

– Attention to detail.

-Valid driving licensee is must.

Email: tlaboratoryjobs@gmail.com

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