تعلن شركة جولدن انرجي للخدمات الهندسية عن حاجتها لتعيين مهندس مبيعات تقني

Golden Energy For Engineering Services is looking for a Technical Sales Engineer to join the team with the following requirements:

1. B.SC in Mechanical Engineering.

2. Must own a car.

3. Minimum of 4-5 years of experience as a Sales Engineer in HVAC & PV field.

4. Excellent Communication and interpersonal skills.

5. Passionate and positive about serving customers and co-workers.

6.Provide technical support to customer with installed equipment.

7. Salary based on experience and qualifications.

If interested kindly send your resume (not later one week from the date of this ad) to:

please mention “Technical Sales Engineer” in the email subject.

[email protected]


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