شركة متخصصة في البيع والتسويق ترغب في تعيين موظفة للقيام بأعمال السكرتارية والإدارية للشركة

Please read the ad well before contacting.
#A company specializing in sales and marketing on the Internet and social
networks in Jordan and abroad would like to appoint a girl to do the
company administrative and secretarial work.
Preferably the age of the girl applying for the job is above 24 years old to
45 years old.
It is necessary to know how to manage the company's website on all social
media platforms.
The Company located Amman * Downtown * Gold Souk.
Working hours, 10:30 am to 7:30pm from Saturday to Thursday.
The salary is determined according 2qualifications and experience after
Job conditions & requirements:
# Resilience by learning to know the types & models of the company
offered 4 sale & marketing.
# Experience responding in both Arabic and English on the phone and to
the company's clients, both in conversation and in writing.
# The ability to work in a team spirit.
Submit your resume for an interview.
Email - wasmco@yahoo.com


للإنضمام إلى قناتنا عبر التليجرام المخصصة للوظائف – أضغط هنا

للإنضمام إلى مجموعة الواتساب المعتمدة والخاصة بالوظائف الشاغرة – أضغط هنا

للإنضمام إلى صفحتنا عبر الفيسبوك الرؤية الملكية للتوظيف – أضغط هنا

للإنضمام إلى صفحتنا عبر تويتر – أضغط

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