وظائف هندسية شاغرة لدى شركة Engicon

وظائف هندسية شاغرة لدى شركة Engicon

Engicon is seeking a Hydrology & Storm Drainage Engineer to join our team in

The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in flood mitigation, stormwater management, and infrastructure design for major projects across the Middle East and KSA.

Key Responsibilities:

-Lead and contribute to flood mitigation and stormwater management projects for master plans and road infrastructure, from pre-concept to IFC stages.

-Conduct hydrological studies and hydraulic analysis for stormwater drainage structures, including culverts, bridges, channels, dikes, ponds, swales, and storm networks.

-Design stormwater systems, erosion protection measures, flood control structures, and runoff treatment solutions.

-Perform rainfall and hydrologic analysis, incorporating meteorological and morphological data.

-Implement Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) criteria in stormwater designs.

-Ensure high-quality and timely delivery of infrastructure design works.

Qualifications & Skills:

-Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Hydrology, Civil Engineering, Water -Resources Engineering, or a related field.

-5-8 years of proven experience in stormwater and flood management projects, particularly in the Middle East and KSA.

-Proficiency in hydrology and storm drainage software, including:

Hyfran Plus, WMS, ArcPro, Global Mapper, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, Civil 3D, Bentley Package, PCSWMM

-Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to deliver innovative solutions.

-Excellent communication and teamwork skills for effective collaboration across multidisciplinary teams.

To apply, send your resume to [email protected]

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للانضمام إلى قناتنا عبر التليجرام المخصصة للوظائف – أضغط هنا

للانضمام إلى مجموعات الواتساب المعتمدة والخاصة بالوظائف الشاغرة – أضغط هنا

للانضمام إلى قناة الواتساب الخاصة بالوظائف الشاغرة – أضغط هنا

للانضمام إلى صفحتنا عبر الفيسبوك سِجلات الأردن للوظائف – أضغط هنا

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